Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Even celebrities experience loneliness!

Ok, I haven't blogged since my last post and yes it was my only post.  Why?  Well the simple answer is I have been afraid.  I ask myself, "Does anyone really want to hear about YANA or what I am thinking?  Experiencing?"  Who knows!  But I am now committing myself to blog once a week...fear be damned!

While I don't watch much tv I happened to catch Jodie Foster accepting an award at the Golden Globes the other week.  During her acceptance speech, she said much but one sentence jumped out at me.  Ms. Foster said, "I want to be seen, to be understood deeply and to be not so very lonely."  Wow!

Now most would say, "How could a rich, beautiful and famous person be so lonely?" Well the reality is most people experience matter a person's position in life, age, income, looks, popularity, etc.  We all need at least one other person to understand us (hopefully more), to be there for us, and to let us know we are not alone.  That one person can be a family member, lover, friend and sometimes a kind stranger.

We can't just snap our fingers and not feel lonely, but having someone recognize what we are going through, and telling us so, often permits more open discussions which lead to feeling better, becoming closer, and eliminating that loneliness.

The irony of my current situation just hit me.....that is I have founded a company, a movement, to eliminate loneliness yet as any entrepreneur will tell you, starting a new company is extraordinarily lonely.  I now have the topic of my next blog...till then please share these four words with another, "You Are Not Alone!"


1 comment:

  1. You are not alone, Wayne!

    Thanks for what you're doing in the world. It is making a difference, however quietly.

    ~ Rhonda
