Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bad Hair Day?

Many have noticed and commented that I haven't had a haircut in awhile (almost 1 year). The majority of the comments have been kind, some absolutely hilarious and others, well not very flattering. So I thought I would clear the air about what's been going on.

So what's not going on is this;

  • I have not become a hippie (although I appreciate some of the hippie attitude).
  • Haven't joined a commune.
  • Did not withdraw from life and started surfing every day.
  • Smoking pot? Nope.
  • Gone crazy? Let's hope not.
  • Not going undercover.
  • I have not become a religious, spiritual or cult leader.
  • Did not give up bathing or personal hygiene. 

What I have been doing is simply growing my hair long.  Why? The short answer is so I may donate it to Locks of Love, which makes free hair pieces for young cancer patients. 

Again, you may ask why?  There are multiple reasons why I am doing this now and the foremost reason is I want to let others know, in this case children with cancer, that they are not alone and others care (me) about them.  This is the same mission of YANA (You Are Not Alone), a company I started whose main goal is to eliminate loneliness ( 

A few of the other reason's why I am doing this are that I have had cancer and am one of the lucky ones.  I am still standing today so I want to help those going through the difficult process of treating this horrible disease.  Also, I have personally witnessed the toll it takes on children, my daughters have donated their hair to the cause & they inspire me, 90% plus of hair donors are woman and I want to show men can and should donate as well, AND I wanted to take action.  To actually do something helpful instead of just thinking about it or watching others take action. So thx for all the kind and entertaining comments and if I may say to all, just don't think of doing something, actually do it.


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